SIMPOS, Foundation for Information on the Social Consequences of Occult Tendencies. Survey 1996-1999

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SIMPOS, Foundation for Information on the Social Consequences of Occult Tendencies, was founded in 1996 in The Netherlands. Its founders came from various walks of life, eg: human rights activists; historians specializing in the history of occultism; and disgruntled (ex-)parents of children at Waldorf education.

In 1996, Waldorf schools, based on Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy, made national media headlines in The Netherlands, because of their subject "Racial Ethnography" [Dutch: rassenkunde]. It taught students that black people were like children; whites like adults.

SIMPOS thought inquiry and dissemination of critical information should not be limited to only Waldorf education; as problems there are part of the larger problem of the many-sided impact of various occult tendencies on society. This impact really is not always positive.

In 1996-1999, research and making available of information by SIMPOS contributed to:

  • non-participation by New Acropolis, widely seen as a neo-fascist cult, at a conference at Amsterdam Free University

  • canceling by the biggest Dutch New Age publishers of plans to sell a book by a self styled "priest of Odin" and promotor of Herman Wirth, founder of Ahnenerbe, "scientific" department of the SS of the Nazi Reich

  • canceling a promotion activity for Neale Donald Walsch, who claims "Hitler went to heaven"

  • convincing individuals that participating in Landmark Education wasn't as good an idea as Landmark itself said
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